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2021年3月19日,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所甘蓝青花菜研究团队在期刊planta(2023 IF=4.3)上发表题为”Genome‑wide identification and expression analysis of the Brassica oleracea L. chitin‑binding genes and response to pathogens infections“的研究论文。论文第一作者为朱明钊博士,通讯作者为王勇副研究员和杨丽梅研究员。



Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of chitinase genes from cabbage, A. thaliana and B. rapa. The phylogenetic tree was built using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method with 1000 bootstrap replications. Roman numerals (I and IV) represent each gene cluster, which are labeled with different colors

Fig. 2 Distribution of chitinase genes in B. oleracea. chromosomes. The number on the top of each chromosome represents the cabbage chromosome number. Gene names are indicated on the right sides of each chromosome. The distance (Mb) between genes or genes to the ends of the chromosome is indicated on the left side of each chromosome

Fig. 3 Syntenic relationship of cabbage and A. thaliana chitinase genes shown on the chromosome maps. C01-C09, nine chromosomes of cabbage. 1–5, five chromosomes of A. thaliana. Orange lines, homologous gene between cabbage chromosomes. Green lines, homologous genes between cabbage and A. thaliana chromosomes

Fig. 4 Conserved motif (a) and gene structure (b) analysis of chitinase genes. The motifs are indicated in different colored boxes. Exons are represented by boxes, while introns are represented by gray lines

Fig. 5 Predicted cis-acting elements in chitinase gene promoters

Fig. 6 Expression of chitinase genes in different organs

Fig. 8 Expression levels of chitinase genes under F. oxysporum stress. Data are presented as the means ± SD

Fig. 9 Expression levels of chitinase genes under P. brassicae stress. Data are presented as the means ± SD

Fig. 10 Subcellular localization of Bol040748 in tobacco protoplast. a–c and d: Target protein GFP channel, Chloroplast channel, Bright, and Merge. e–h Control GFP channel, chloroplast channel, bright, and merge. Bars = 20 µm


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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd