2020年7月1日,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所甘蓝青花菜研究团队在经典期刊Theoretical and Applied Genetics(2023 IF=5.4)上发表了题为Creation of fertility‑restored materials for Ogura CMS in Brassica oleracea by introducing Rfo gene from Brassica napus via an allotriploid strategy的研究论文。论文第一作者为于海龙博士,通讯作者为方智远院士和张扬勇研究员。
Ogura细胞质雄性不育是甘蓝类蔬菜商业杂交种制种中应用最广泛的不育类型。然而,在甘蓝作物中尚未发现天然的Ogura CMS恢复系。本研究采用三倍体策略,旨在获得含有RFO基因的甘蓝二倍体后代。以异源三倍体AAC杂交种YL2为父本,与Ogura CMS甘蓝回交。经连续回交,获得了BC2 RFO阳性个16CMSF2-11及其BC3后代,共18条染色体,与亲本芥蓝形态一致。与F1和Bc1相比,其育性表现稳定,减数分裂行为规律,在自然授粉条件下能正常结实。利用分子标记对RFO阳性后代的基因组组成分析表明,BC3 RFO后代中87%以上的C基因组成分恢复到亲本芥蓝中,而16CMSF2-11及其后代中大部分或全部AN基因组片段丢失。结果表明,RFO阳性个体的遗传背景与亲本芥蓝的遗传背景较为接近,并存在回交现象。在此基础上,首次通过三倍体策略成功地创造了甘蓝Ogura CMS育性恢复材料,为进一步利用Ogura CMS甘蓝种质资源提供了桥梁。此外,本研究表明,三倍体策略对于将甘蓝型油菜的基因转移到甘蓝中是有效的。
Fig. 3 Morphological characterization (a–c) and fertility performance (d–k) of the BC1 hybrid 15CMSF-Y1, BC2 hybrid 16CMSF2-11 and BC3 hybrid 17CMSF1-1, respectively. Plant morphology of 15CMSF-Y1 (a), 16CMSF2-11 (b) and 17CMSF1-1 (c). d, e Pollen performance of 15CMSF-Y1 during different flowering periods; f–h Pollen performance of 16CMSF2-11 (f), 16CMSF2-58 (g) and 17CMSF1-1 (h); i–k Pollen viability of 15CMSF-Y1 (i), 16CMSF2-11 (j) and 17CMSF1-1 (k)
Fig. 5 Analysis of the genomic composition of the BC1 hybrid 15CMSF-Y1, BC2 hybrids 16Q2-11, and BC3 hybrids 17CMSF1- 1–17CMSF1-8 by the Co-genome primers. The marker name and marker locations are listed to the left of each chromosome. Red: loci of parent Chinese kale 15Y102 types. Yellow: loci of heterozygous types