2020年7月24日,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所甘蓝青花菜研究团队在期刊Scientific reports(2023IF=4.3)上发表了题为“A high‑quality reference genome for cabbage obtained with SMRT reveals novel genomic features and evolutionary characteristics”的研究论文。论文共同第一作者为吕红豪研究员、王勇副研究员、韩风庆博士、季家磊博士,通讯作者为张扬勇研究员和杨丽梅研究员。
甘蓝是世界各地广泛种植的一种重要蔬菜作物,提供丰富的营养物质和促进健康的物质。为了促进进一步的遗传学和基因组研究以及作物改良,作者提供了一个高质量的甘蓝参考基因组。作者报道了甘蓝双单倍体品系D134的从头基因组组装。采用单分子实时测序(SMRT)、10倍基因组学和染色体构象捕获(Hi-c)相结合的方法,获得了高质量的甘蓝基因组草图。染色体水平的D134组装大小为529.92 Mb,比目前02-12参考基因组长135Mb,支架N50长度提高了38倍。注释了44,701个高质量的蛋白质编码基因,并提供了45.59%的预测基因模型的全长转录本。此外,确定了新的基因组特征,如低估的TES,以及在甘蓝进化过程中的基因家族和基因家族的扩张和收缩。D134基因组框架图是由SMRT长读测序结合10倍基因组学和Hi-C支架技术组装而成的甘蓝参考基因组。这个高质量的甘蓝参考基因组为甘蓝作物的改良提供了有价值的工具。
Figure 1. Distribution of genes in cabbage D134 and other representative plant species. (A) Orthologous genes found in different plant species. Ath, A. thaliana; Bdi, B. distachyon; Bol0, B. oleracea (D134); Bol1, B. oleracea (02-12); Bol2, B. oleracea (TO1000); Bra, B. rapa; Cru, C. rubella; Cpa, C. papaya; Csa, C. sativus; Dca, D. carota; Gra, G. raimondii; Hvu, H. vulgare; Osa, O. sativa; Ptr, P . trichocarpa; Rsa, R. sativus; Sly, S. lycopersicum; Vvi, V. vinifera; Zma, Z. mays. (B) Venn diagram showing unique and shared gene families among A. thaliana, B. rapa and B. oleracea (D134 and TO1000).
Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree showing divergence times and the evolution of gene family sizes. The phylogenetic tree shows the topology and divergence times for 18 plant species. MRCA, most recent common ancestor. The number in parentheses is the number of gene families in the MRCA as estimated by CAFÉ.
Figure 3. Genomic landscape of D134 and 02-12. Chromosomes, gene density, TE density, SNP density, indel density and best-hit gene pairs are in order from outside to inside in the Circos images.