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2020年1月24日,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所甘蓝青花菜研究团队在期刊genes上发表了题为“Genome-Wide Identification, Expression Profile of the TIFY Gene Family in Brassica oleracea var. capitata, and Their Divergent Response to V arious Pathogen Infections and Phytohormone T reatments”的论文。论文第一作者为刘星博士和赵存保硕士(现为在读博士),通讯作者为方智远院士和吕红豪研究员。


Figure 1. Distribution of TIFY genes on B. oleracea chromosomes. Thirty-six TIFY genes (rename and gene locus ID) are shown on the right of each chromosome. Gene positions and chromosome size can be measured using the scale on the left of the figure in mega bases (bp).

Figure 2. Duplication of the TIFY family genes in B. oleracea. The duplicated gene pairs are joined by
grey lines.

Figure 3. Gene structures (A) and motifs (B) of 36 TIFY genes identified in B. oleracea. UTRs and exons are represented by green and yellow boxes respectively , and introns are represented by grey lines, the length of gene structures can be measured using the scale on the lower in mega bases (bp) (A). Boxes with different colors indicate conserved motifs, and the length of motifs in each protein is shown proportionally and can be measured using the scale on the lower in amino acids (aa) (B).

Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree of TIFY genes from B. olearacea, B. rapa, and A. thaliana. The proteins from each species are labeled with different graphics and colors (red star: B. olearacea, pink circle: B. rapa, blue triangle: A. thaliana). The ten groups with different colors represent ten clades. The circles with different colors at the nodes represent bootstrap percentage values (grey: 0–40, yellow: 41–80, red: 81–100) from 1000 replications.

Figure 5. Heat map representation and hierarchical clustering of cabbage TIFY gene expression levels across roots, callus, siliques, stems, leaves, buds, and flowers. Log2 transformed values were used to generate the color-coded heatmap, and the color scale with red and blue represent high and low values, respectively , color scale from −2.0 to 2.5.

Figure 6. Heat map of cabbage JAZ genes suffering from P . brassicae, F . oxysporum, and X. campestris. (A) expression profile of JAZs after P . brassicae inoculation; (B) expression profile of JAZs F . oxysporum inoculation; (C) expression profile of JAZs after X. campestris inoculation; R: resistant line, S: susceptible line. Log2 transformed values were used to generate the color-coded heatmap, and the color scale with red and blue represent high and low values, respectively , color scale from −1.5 to 1.5.

Figure 7. The relative expression of cabbage JAZ genes in the control and exogenous MeJA, SA,
and ethylene treatments. Relative expression of JAZ genes was analysed by quantitative real-time
qPCR using cabbage actin as a control. Error bars indicate standard deviation, and asterisks indicate
significant differences between the control and phytohormone treatment, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.

Figure 8. Transient expression of BoJAZ-GFP fusion proteins in tobacco cells. Bars, 25 µm.


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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd