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2023年9月28日,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所甘蓝青花菜研究团队在期刊plants(2023IF=4.5)上发表了题为Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Key Genes and Pathways Associated with the Regulation of Flowering Time in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)的研究论文,论文第一作者为王娇硕士和张斌博士,通讯作者为张扬勇研究员。

开花时间是甘蓝的重要农艺性状,但是甘蓝开花时间调控的分子机制尚不清楚。作者利用两组甘蓝材料 (1)早花自交系C491(P1)和晚花自交系B602(P2),(2)来自F2群体的早花单株F2-B和晚花单株F2-NB进行转录组分析。分析发现C491 VS B602和F2-B VS F2-NB共有9508个差异表达基因。GO和KEGG分析表明上调基因主要富集在植物激素信号转导和MAPK信号通路,下调基因主要富集在核糖体、DNA复制途径中。


Figure 1. Phenotypes of C491 and B602 at 41 days after vernalization. (a) C491 is early-flowering.
(b) B602 is late-flowering. Bar = 5 cm.

Figure 2. Comparison of differentially expressed genes response to vernalization between C491_VS_B602 and F2-B_VS_F2-NB. (a) V enn diagram showing the numbers of up- and down-regulated overlapping DEGs in C491_VS_B602 and F2-B_VS_F2-NB, respectively . (b) Top 20 enriched GO terms for up- and down-regulated overlapping DEGs in both C491_VS_B602 and F2-B_VS_F2-NB. (c) Top 20 enriched KEGG pathways for up- and down-regulated DEGs in both C491_VS_B602 and F2-B_VS_F2-NB.

Figure 3. Heatmap showing the gene expression of 25 flowering-related DEGs. The intensity of the color for each gene model corresponds to the average fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM) values. The asterisks represent significant differences (p < 0.01).

Figure 4. Validation of 25 DEGs related to flowering time via qRT‒PCR. (a) The relative expression
levels of 11 up‐regulated DEGs related to flowering time in early‐flowering C491 and late‐flowering
B602. (b) The relative expression levels of 14 down‐regulated DEGs related to flowering time in
early‐flowering C491 and late‐flowering B602. ** indicates a significant difference (p < 0.01).

Figure 5. CDS sequence difference of the genes Bo5g152700 (BoSEP2‐1) and Bo1g157450 (BoSEP2‐2)
between C491 and B602. (a) CDS sequence difference of the gene Bo5g152700 (BoSEP2‐1) between
Figure 5. CDS sequence difference of the genes Bo5g152700 (BoSEP2-1) and Bo1g157450 (BoSEP2-2)
between C491 and B602. (a) CDS sequence difference of the gene Bo5g152700 (BoSEP2-1) between
C491 and B602. (b) CDS sequence difference of the gene Bo1g157450 (BoSEP2-2) between C491 and
B602. The red bases represent consistency between the parents, while the blue and black bases
represent sequence differences between the parents.

Figure 6. Potential flowering time regulatory networks in cabbage. Genes in blue represent flowering repressors, and genes in black represent flowering promoters. The genes in the black box have regulatory interactions that have been reported before, and the genes in the pink box are candidates. The arrows indicate transcriptional activation, whereas the bars indicate transcriptional repression. The dashed line represents the putative regulatory pathway


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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd