甘蓝|BoCYP704B1 启动子上的LTR转座子插入导致功能缺失造成甘蓝隐性雄性不育甘蓝
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2017年3月27日,中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所甘蓝青花菜研究团队在遗传定位经典期刊“Theoretical and Applied Genetics”(2023IF=5.4,Q1)上发表了题为“Recessive male sterility in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) caused by loss of function of BoCYP704B1 due to the insertion of a LTR-retrotransposon”的研究论文。论文第一作者是季家磊博士,通讯作者是杨丽梅研究员。


Fig. 1 The flower phenotype comparison between 83121A and 83121B. a The organs of the 83121A flower after removal of the sepals and petals. b The organs of the 83121B flower after removal of the sepals and petals

Fig. 2 Paraffin section analysis of the anther development in 83121A (a–e) and 83121B (f–j). a, f Anther of pollen mother cell stage. b, g Anther of tetrad stage. c, h Anther of early unicellular stage. d, i Anther of late unicellular stage. e, j Anther of mature pollen grain stage. T tapetal layer, MMC microspore mother cells, Tds tetrads, Msp microspores, MP mature pollens. Scale bar 50 μm

Fig. 3 TEM micrographs of the 83121A and the 83121B. a–c The pollen exine development of 83121B from the early unicellular stage to the early bicellular pollen stage. d–f The pollen exine development of 83121A from the early unicellular stage to the late bicellular pollen stage. Ex exine, Ba bacula, Tc tectum, Ne nexine, In intine, Msp microspore. Scale bars 5 μm (a–c) and 2 μm (d–f)

Fig. 4 Expression analysis of genes involved in pollen exine development. a The heat map of genes involved in pollen exine development in cabbage. b RT-PCR assessment of Bol023932 expression in developing buds from 83121A and 83121B. c Detection of Bol023932 transcript in selected tissues by RT-PCR. R roots, S stem, L leaves, NS flower buds without stamens, FB flower buds, OF opening flowers, GS green siliques. Actin expression was used as a control

Fig. 5 The mutation in the BoCYP704B1 allele and comparison of the coding sequences (CDS) of BoCYP704B1 between the wild type and the 83121A mutant. a The structure of BoCYP704B1 and the mutation in the BoCYP704B1 allele. The black boxes and black lines represent the exons and introns of BoCYP704B1. The red triangle indicates the insertion site (the first exon) of the retrotransposon Boret1. The red characters indicate the 5-bp (CAAGA) fragment next to the left insertion site that was copied to the right insertion site during the insertion. Letters a and b represent the positions of the primers of RTMS-1 used for linkage analysis; b, c represent the positions of the primers of RTMS-2 used for linkage analysis. b Dottup analysis of CDSs of BoCYP704B1 in 83121A and wide type cabbage. c Difference in CDSs of BoCYP704B1. The sequence with blue color in wild type was deleted in the 83121A mutant. The sequence with red color in 83121A mutant was specifically from the retrotransposon Boret1. (Color figure online)

Fig. 6 Linkage analysis of different cabbage lines using markers within BoCYP704B1. a Linkage analysis of the testcross population from 83121A and 83121B using marker RTMS-1. b Linkage analysis of wild-type plants and the testcross population from 83121A and 83121B using marker RTMS-2



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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd